Friday, March 07, 2008

friday reads

In the nearly 5-year-old Iraq war about 15 soldiers are wounded for every fatality, compared with 2.6 per death in Vietnam and 2.8 in Korea.

Tomgram - Greg Grandin: Fidel Castro, the First Superdelegate

The Independent takes a look at Japan's concrete ceiling.

Chris Floyd: Crushing the Ants, The Admiral and the Empire

Scott Horton: A Brain-Dead Press

CAYMAN ISLANDS - Kellogg Brown & Root, the nation's top Iraq war contractor and until last year a subsidiary of Halliburton Corp., has avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in federal Medicare and Social Security taxes by hiring workers through shell companies based in this tropical tax haven.

Job losses: Worst in 5 years

Green Left Infoasis has posted some youtubes from a Noam Chomsky talk from 2001. Drugs, Guerillas, Counterinsurgency: US Intervention in Colombia

McClatchey's Round-up of Daily Violence - Thursday 6 March 2008

Boing Boing TV on the origion and hating habits of the common Internet Troll.

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