Tuesday, January 22, 2008

tuesday reads

It is time to Stop-Loss Congress!

Email missing from Cheney's office on day White House told to preserve documents in CIA leak

CREW has completed an analysis of the national news events that took place on the dates for which there are missing White House email.

Panic selling intensified across Asia on Tuesday, with the benchmark indexes in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul and Sydney slumping 4% to 8%.

Grits for Breakfast: The front lines of a "hot" drug war

Cory Doctorow: We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium - it is dangerous, long-lasting and once it has leaked there's no getting it back.

A Berlitz guide to Washington English

Matt Yglesias: Someone Didn't Get The Word

Galaxie 500 - When Will You Come Home

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