Sioux Falls Derby Dolls
I regularly hear people say the cultural trends of Sioux Falls are five years behind those found in the rest of the world.
While the statement isn’t completely wrong, its tone is often curiously gleeful. It’s as if people here enjoy the fact that we live an atmosphere of apathy and inertia so thick that the latest fashion can’t get to us as quickly as the rest of the civilized world.
Well, if you’re proud of our delayed response syndrome, I’m about to destroy the illusion: Sioux Falls could soon be the home of an all-female roller derby league.
Right on schedule. Five years behind Austin.
and my friend is helping start it. she's from az and couldn't believe how backwards you sodaks are
If you're a derby chick shouldn't you be stoked that people from all over are embracing your sport? I'd expect this sort of knocking from a hater, not from a fellow derby girl. Thankfully girls from the Minneapolis, Denver and Phoenix leagues have been so helpful. I'm disapointed.
better late than never
they should check before they register their name...i think the Los Angeles and San Diego Derby Dolls have trademarked it
there name is spelled with a -z-. sioux falls derby dollz. so it is not technically the same. and no shit they are behind in the midwest, it's just the way things are. no need to make it seem like a bad thing. i am totally pumped that another state is embracing this awesome sport. let's give them support and not be cocks about it.
nice cut and paste of rob morast's article. you did not even write this. do your homework dude, then be a hater.
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