Friday, June 10, 2005

"Man: It's What's For Dinner!"

I recently stumbled upon this tasty website:

Hufu - "the healthy human flesh alternative". Hufu is designed to resemble, as humanly possible, the taste and texture of human flesh. If you've never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.

Recipes on the site include:

Serano Nanito (Papua New Guinea hufu dumplings)
These native dumplings filled with hufu (or human flesh), sago and yam are prized for their taste as well as their ability to make you fierce and brave in tribal combat.

Aztec Human Stew
You can vicariously participate in one of the great Aztec customs, the human sacrifice festival, as you enjoy this healthy and flavorful stew.

Lechter's Liver with Fava Beans (Fegato alla Lechter con i fagioli di fava)
This is really a treat for the cannibal gourmand. Doctor Lechter famously preferred this dish with a nice Chianti. I have had this dish many times with my perhaps unorthodox choice, Pinot Grigio from the region of Friuli, but I must concur with the good doctor that a high-quality Chianti best complements the subtle taste, texture and aroma of this recipe.

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