Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ask the Preznit

Gallup's April 18-21, 2005 national survey of 1,003 randomly selected Americans included this simple question: "If you could talk with President George W. Bush for fifteen minutes and give him advice about anything that's on your mind, what would you tell him?"

That the neo-conservatives are liars. They used 911 to attack Iraq. would be useful to look at. Male, age 35

That he's an idiot because he turned the surplus to the deficit. Female, age 35

I guess take care of the senior citizens Social Security. Some kind of break for the poor folks. Male, age 54

Stop the (swear word) war. Male, age 56

Get our troops out of Iraq. Use the money being spent in Iraq and work on the awful problems in this country. Female, age 58

That if he is a real Christian that he should do what God would really want. Female, age 42

I'd probably go to jail for the rest of my life. Female, age 77

Via Dan Froomkin

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